Lifestyle Risk Factors and Hypertension on Students: a Cross Sectional Study | Martiningsih | Jurnal Kesehatan Prima

Lifestyle Risk Factors and Hypertension on Students: a Cross Sectional Study

Martiningsih Martiningsih(1*), Enie Novieastari(2), Dewi Gayatri(3), Astuti Yuni Nursasi(4), Ella Nurlaella Hadi(5)
(1) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(4) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(5) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.32807/jkp.v18i2.1692


The incidence of hypertension is likely to occur at an increasingly younger age. The incidence is mainly due to risk factors for unhealthy behavior and lifestyle in adolescents. The purpose of this study was to analyze behavioral and lifestyle risk factors that affect the incidence of hypertension in adolescents. This research design is a descriptive-analytic with the cross-sectional study. The subjects in this study were 407 respondents from 10 junior and senior high schools in Bima City. Independent variables were gender, age, some behaviors like smoking, alcoholic, drug abuse, exercise, and healthy diet, abdominal circumference, and body mass index. Whereas, the dependent variable covers the incidence of hypertension. Results: In this study, behavioral risk factors in adolescents that correlate with hypertension are body mass index, age, and smoking behavior. The omnibus test results p value = 0.018 (<0.05), which means that the independent variables affect the dependent variable simultaneously. Partially, the variables of BMI and age affect the incidence of hypertension. The IMT variable has the most dominant effect on the incidence of hypertension in adolescents. Adolescents with the Obese BMI group will have a risk factor for hypertension incidence 3.8 times higher than adolescents in the Normal BMI group after being controlled by the age variable. Further study is needed on how educational counseling for early detection of individual behavioral risk factors and healthy lifestyle changes to promote and prevent the occurrence of hypertension in adolescents.


Adolescent Hypertension;Body Mass Index; Lifestyle Behaviors;Risk Factors


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